Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cherry Walnut Banana Bread Bars

I make this recipe all the time so I thought it was time to share it with the world. I love it because its a nice treat that is really healthy, no oil, no sugar, no white flour and salt is optional.

6 ripe bananas smashed
4 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 C of unsweeted applesauce
4 C whole whear flour (I like to use coarsly ground it gives it a nutty texture)
1 1/2 t Baking powder
1 1/2 t Baking soda
1 t salt (optional)
1 C Dried Cherries (or I use raisins or any other dried fruit on hand)
1 C chopped nuts (I usually use walnuts)

Grease a 9" x13" dish pre-hear oven at 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together pour into pan bake for 50 mins. Let it cool completely before eating (this is espeacially important because the whole wheat flour will soften around the edges as it cools)


Becky Sorenson said...

Oooo...these sound yummy!! I'm going to have to try these.

Pease Family said...

Sara, you are such a great mom. I wish I cooked as healthy as you do!