Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We just experienced our first earthquake and it was really frightening. I guess it hit up north further near Fullerton but we felt it here, in our home, in San Clemente. James was downstairs working on homework and I was doing my hair when out of no where our apartment just started shaking back and forth and the furniture was rattling. It was so bad it made it hard to walk. I just froze, I had never felt one before so I just stood there thinking... is this an earthquake? Luckily it was just the aftershocks rippling down. Hopefully if I am ever in one again I will be better prepared and move a little faster to protect my kids.
Anyways it scared me so bad my hands were shaking for about 10 minute (I know I'm a pansy) I am just glad no one in our home got hurt!

1 comment:

Dixons said...

Yesterday, Dan called to tell me when he heard about the earthquake. Sounds like a scary experience....glad that you guys are safe!