Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Royce 19 months

We went to Royce 19 month check up yesterday. He is going heat minus the ear infection I didn't know he had. Here are his stats.
Weight 29lb (95%)
Height  above 100%
Head 95%

I always think Roy is so skinny compared to how Luke was (he was 30lb at 12 mos) but when we got to these checkups they remind me that he really is a solid kid. He is still our little smile box, lighting up the room when he enters it. The past few months he has learn and done so many new things. He is learning and trying to say new words everyday. He still uses body language a lot and is very good at expressing himself, it's really cute when he gets disappointed about something, he tilts his head to the side, scrunches his face and moans, he also like to waggle his index figure at you if you do something he doesn't like. He is enjoying being helpful and loves being silly and snuggly. He is still our little adventurer knowing no bonds and climbing and getting into everything. Bella loves having a little buddy who will do things for her, even if he does eat her crayons and Luke loves to wrestle (he thinks it's hilarious when Roy sits on his head) and is such a sweet attentive big brother. One of my favorites is every morning when Roy wakes up and Luke finally gets him out of his crib he immediately runs to our bedrooms yelling " Mama, Dada" he has a huge grin on his face, he checks both sides of the bed to make sure we are both there, then climbs in  and  snuggle us and then insistently asks for a baba. His enthusiasm is contagious. It reminds me to be grateful for everyday and every moment I have with these sweet babies.

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