Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Happenings 2014

We are having a fun busy summer. We have still been doing school most every day which I feel is important for the kids to keep up the habit, plus we took off a lot of weeks here and there last year due to moving and having a baby. It feels good to get into a routine again! We are also ramping up for next school year with some new books and a new homeschool group.

We have cherries! and I mean alot of Cherries probably a dozen gallon bags frozen and 12 jars of jam. The neighbor across the street let us have as many as we could pick. Everytime we went for a walk we would see cherry trees that no one was picking it made me sad to see all that delicious fruit go to waste.

Shiloh getting ready to go swimming. We put up the pool on the cement pad in the backyard (same pool we had in TX about 12ft diameter and 3 ft deep) We also read some scary statistics on drowning so we used some fencing materials we alread had to make a secure pool.

For the 4th of July we went Camping in Tabiona on a land lease (for cows and horses) in my Sister Heather's family. The kids had so much fun on the four wheelers. Luke and Bella learned how to drive them on there own. (they had a kid size one)
Who needs toys when you have sticks!
and cow bones

Bella and Hailey were making a fort out of sticks. Since we were camping we didn't get to see any fireworks but we did bring glow sticks. The children put on what I would call a Glow stick fire dance after it got dark. It was fun to watch them dancing around having fun!

In my opinion swimming in the river was the best part. There was an area with a little water hole where a tree had fallen over making the perfect diving board. Everyone including James and I had fun jumping off.

My mom also came with us she was very helpful in helping us keep track of our wandering children.

Macey's grocery store is close to our home and they sell these monster ice cream cones for $1.89. I wanted to see Royce's reaction when I bought him the biggest cone they offer. Silly boy! He actually didn't have a reaction at all when I first gave it to him. He just acted like that was what he was expecting the hole time but later I got him to make an excited face.

Royce is our only kid that has ever done this it is hilarious to watch him nod off while sitting at the table.

If any of you are familiar with BYU the Bean Museum has been updated and I do have to say they have made some marked improvements. We went and checked it out on a field trip. The kids all want to go back.

Watch out Royce the Moose is about to jump on you!

Bella is still our little artist! Constantly creating and spending hours everyday doing crafts. She loved the birds at the museum and when we came home she wanted to copy the picture to draw her own. SEE Below

I spend to much time on the computer someone needs to cut me off. I love shopping on amazon or finding new recipes!

Say MOO for Cow Appreciation day. We love free chicken!

Royce loved this cow but was super shy around it. At one point I thought all the kids were in the play area. I glanced outside where this cow was dancing drawing attention from the passing by traffic and low and behold Royce is out there just staring at the cow. That was a bad Mommy moment for me.

James and I went on a date and hiked a trail to this little waterfall a couple blocks from our house. We live pretty much at the base of the mountains

About 5 blocks from our house is the Murdock trail which goes on for miles. For some reason we decided to go roller blading when it was over 100degrees. Thus Bellas red face we made it maybe a half mile and came home. It was still fun just hot! Oh and Bella had clothes on when we left but as she heated up she kept stripping items off, until fortunately she had this swimsuit underneath.

Also in Pleasant Grove there is the Manilla Pond. It is super fun. We have been trying to go once a week. Lots of swimming and sand, plus they have an area you fish. The kids like to stay for hours and that is what summer is all about right!

Introducing Ms. Pumpkin our Olde English Bulldog. She is so sweet, and I like to think very happy to be in our family. She is 6 years old and we have had her a couple weeks now. She isn't perfect but has been easy to train.

Bella has wanted to take dance classes for a while now but I kept telling her she had to be willing to do the performance at the end of the class if I paid for her to go. Up until this summer she was unwilling to do that. She finally agreed until the day of when she put the breaks on. I did a little bribing and she did end up performing. She also gave a talk in Primary this month. She acted like she was nervous but when she got up to do it she was awesome! Very confident, she spoke loud and clearly. What an great little girl she is and such an important part of our family.

-Pioneer Day-
James took the day off work and the whole family ran (more walking that running) the temple to temple run in Provo. There were a lot of people but we still had fun and found everyone at the end of the run. Luke took off in front of us on his scooter. Bella stayed behind and road her scooter with my mom. James and I took the three little ones.
Here we are finishing the race. Royce was so excited in the morning of the race he was outside in our driveway warming up but when we got there it wasn't quite what he expected he seem a little worried and overwhelmed by all the people.
We then went to the Veterans park and enjoyed the Pioneer day festivities which included a petting zoo. Jesse stayed here for a good 20 mins.

The kids got to go on pony rides

Royce like the old school fire engines

Last but no least we went to Golden Coral for dinner. I have not like buffets for a long time because the food is usually gross and they are usually messy. But this place I like to James great relief and joy.

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