Friday, February 28, 2025

Goodbye Vavau Tonga

My heart is bursting. We leave for the airport. I'm excited for new adventures and sad to see this one close. I'm thrilled with the idea of being back on U.S. soil. Everything has felt so unsure and frankly scary since we left Hawaii. If it was just my husband and I, I think it would have been exciting, but trying to meet the needs of seven children made it overwhelming, specifically keeping them healthy in a place were the very air seems to be trying to eat our flesh. I have never relied on my father in Heaven more I needed him ever step of this journey, at times moment by moment. I trusted he would care for us but I also believe that we need to do our part, I now see how blest we air to live in America, I never understood the privilege it was to be born there. I see how many more opportunities we have because of it. I'm so grateful for this and hope my children, James and I always remember this lesson. I hope we can use that opportunity to help and lift others. I am so grateful for this once in a lifetime trip, I'm so grateful my children have witnessed this along with me. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Week 4 on the mend

"Mom look I drew sugar cane"
Abandoned houses and wild pig
Mount Talau

The bridge
Where in the world are we?