Monday, July 25, 2011

Luke's Half a Decade Birthday Party

We had Luke's birthday party. The kids had lots of fun! When I asked Luke what his favorite part was he said the water balloon fight (which lasted all of 2 minutes). Poor James spent and hour and a half blowing them up but it was worth it to see their happy little faces!

When I asked what Luke wanted to have for his birthday party he said he wanted Dinosaurs and pizza, so that's what he got. This cake has simple instructions here is the how to video.

Our water feature made out of PVC pipes so easy. Took like a half an hour and less that $5 to make. We called it the dinosaur wash.

James was my awesome go to guy. He was such a great help!

This is a family favorite and it seriously took 15mins to make. Here is the recipe

Water pinata. Lesson learned: stab at the bag with the broom stick dont try and whack it. It wont break.



The wind wasn't cooperating

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