Saturday, April 5, 2014

Shiloh Adoré is Born

Shiloh Adoré
Born April 3 
8lb 14oz
21in long
13cm head

Her middle name has an accent over the E and is pronounced ad-dor-ray

She is a darling little girl and fits right into our family. She has dark coloring like Royce and she loves nursing.

We had a home birth and it was a tremendous experience. James my Mom and my midwife Richelle Jolley were here assisting while the children slept peacefully in the basement. Below are the details

Tuesday morning I woke up and had some bloody show and was having pressure waves every ten minutes. We let my Mom and Midwife know and decided James should stay home from work. We had his sister Heather take the kids for the day. We ran some errands and by about noon I just wanted to go home and rest so we ate leftover Mexican food from the night before and watch the new Hobbit movie. We took naps and things were still about the same with more bloody show around 4pm so I told James we should go bring the children home. 
They were disappointed that there sister wasn't there yet but we got them fed and put in bed. I was feeling guilty because James missed work and nothing was really happening so I told him that he should probably go to work the next day but he had already canceled all his meetings for the week so he said he no, which I think was inspiration on his part. 
I had pressure waves all night long I didn't time them but I was waking up about every 30 minutes they were not painful just a lot of pressure that would wake me up, in the morning there was a lot more bloody show.
Our fridge had been on the fritz since Sunday so after we dropped Luke off at school we went and bought a new (to us) one. By time we dropped off the old one and brought the one home it was time to get Luke so we did. I was still feeling disappointed and guilty that nothing was really changing. I really thought it was going to go on like this for a while maybe a week or two.
We took the kids to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Came home more bloody show but the waves started to get irregular so I thought thing were just fizzling out. We then got the kids in bed. We inflated the kiddie  pool I had bought (for a water birth) just in case we needed it but when we got it out the plug for the pool was missing which meant we couldn't put water in it but again inspired James noticed it was the same brand as our other  big pool and checked to see if that plug fit and it did! (Yay!). 
We got in bed around 10 I was still having waves so I told James it would probably be best if he slept downstairs since I would probably be waking up all night. I did fall asleep but every time I had a pressure wave I would wake up. I was getting really annoyed and realized I was not going to get sleep so I thought maybe if we fill up the pool I could sleep in that (since warm water relaxes me). So around 11:30pm I paged James with the  phone and asked him to come up and help me fill it up. I still did not think it was real labor. The waves were not braxton hicks and they were stronger than the day before but I though it was just pre-labor stuff. Around midnight I told James he should have my mom come over "just in case" so he text her and inspired again he texted the midwife (who I didn't want to bother until I was sure). James was still working on the pool (because the hose had froze and he had to defrost it) I was in between the bathroom (pressure waves make me feel like I have to pee) the bedroom and checking on James during this whole time and if a wave hit I would just drop into child's pose till it was over. About 12:30am I was in my bed and I felt a pop in my stomach and water started to trickle out. I called out to James that I thought my water had just broke. At this point it was the first time I realized I was actually going to into labor. James text the midwife and told her. My mom arrived right about then I got into the pool. It was only about 1/3 full since we had to use a lot of hot water defrosting the hose. Then Richelle (midwife) showed up. She was busy doing things and then came in and checked on me I told her I felt a little pushy (but was thinking no way this is way to fast) I was on hands and knees and a couple waves later Richelle told me to get up a little higher in the water because babies head was out (I didn't even know) Then I felt her body come out and last her legs. James and my mom came in the room right at the last minute to see her born.(I didn't even think to call them in). 
It was about 12:51am I reached around grabbed her and then had to maneuver my leg around the cord. I was so relieved happy and surprised that the baby was here and that it happened so smoothly. Shiloh was calm and happy, she got a little fidgety when I took her out of the water so I just put her back in and she relaxed After a couple minute we moved to the bed where Shiloh immediately started nursing and I delivered the placenta. We eventually cut the cord and all the rest of the necessary stuff. Having the midwife was amazing she was a quiet observing assisant. James and I both feel this was the perfect birth experience for us.

Bella took these a couple days before she was born (I was making freezer burritos)

Mama upstairs giving birth

Kids downstairs sleeping

 The kids meeting sister for the first time. Abrahm was on the bed for about 3 minutes before he realized there was a baby there. He then started rapidly petting her head saying Sissi



Tracie said...

She is so precious and beautiful! I love your birth story, simply amazing. Congrats Mortensen family! Love you guys!!

Kathryn Cooper said...

You are my hero! I can't believe how completely normal you make the birth look. Just like it's another day at home popping out a baby! Great job Sara, she's beautiful.