Sunday, September 9, 2012

$15 dollar headboard

Our bedroom has been last on the list to get decorated. I have had my eyes on a cherry bedroom set that costs about $700 for a long time. Alas that is just not in the cards right now so when we saw this piece of as is wood at Ikea for $15 I couldn't pass it up! I love the way it makes our room look more grown up instead of like a college dorm. Now we just need to get some cute pictures on the walls.
Thanks honey for helping me get it up!


Kathryn Cooper said...

That looks great! I love the purple too.

Becky Sorenson said...

Looks great! Will you come re-decorate John and I's bedroom? :) Better yet, whole apartment!

shari berry bo-berry said...

love it! and awesome deal! we have YET to get a headboard for our bed.... someday soon I hope!